With Costa Rica becoming one of the hottest tourists spots in the world, many people come here with misconceptions on the country. The first time we booked our trip to Costa Rica, we did not know what to expect. “Why would we go to Costa Rica? Isn’t it just jungle? Is it an island? Do they have cell phones? Do people there live in the jungle?”. These are just some of the common things I’ve heard when talking to people about Costa Rica. Many people don’t even consider Costa Rica as a destination to visit. Since it isn’t advertised as regularly as Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica etc. on social media or the news, you won’t hear much about it unless you start researching it yourself. Majority of people just start to assume a develop their own ideas of the country itself.
Yes, you may experience culture shock just as you would in other countries. Of course, some things surprised us as well when we first came, like their phone numbers have 8 digits, they don’t use addresses, and the lock systems for door systems work back wards.
So lets clear the air and talk about some of the misunderstandings that people have about Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is not an island! It is a Central American country located between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south.
Costa Rica is NOT a third world country. Costa Rica is quite developed.
Tico’s and Tica’s are some of the nicest, genuine, and welcoming people you will ever meet. The world stereotypes Latino’s as scary, drug dealing people which is far from true. Don’t be afraid to have a conversation with them! They won’t bite.
Costa Ricans do speak english! It is of course, considered their second language, but it gets taught very well in the school systems.
American dollars are not accepted everywhere in Costa Rica, only in tourists areas. Be sure to exchange your money to colones to be safe.
Yes, Costa Rica does have internet, cars, cell phones, electricity, etc. Some of the teenagers there walk around with the latest iPhones! They are all updated on the latest technology.
You can drink the water in Costa Rica. Tap water is even ok unless you’re in rural areas. If you do have a sensitive stomach, stick to bottled water.
Costa Rica isn’t about the beaches. It has so much to offer! Costa Rica offers beautiful rivers, lakes, rain forests, cloud forests and a diverse selection of different animals to see. There’s always something new to do there!
These are only the most common misunderstandings that we have heard. If you have any questions or concerns about Costa Rica, be sure to message us on our Facebook. We would love to help you have a great experience down there.
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